Black Celebs and Leaders Calling to #ImpeachTrumpNow – Black Enterprise
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Black Celebs and Leaders Calling to #ImpeachTrumpNow

Snoop Dogg
(Image: Wikimedia/Creative Commons)

Long before Donald Trump was elected president, his career was defaced by multiple lawsuits and scandals accusing him of racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and marital affairs. So, it’s no wonder that the Trump’s checkered past and questionable character managed to follow him into the White House. Since day one, his administration has been torpedoed by lies (also known as “alternative facts”) and corruption, but nothing has cast a dark shadow on the Trump administration like his alleged ties to Russia.

As a result, Democrats have been calling to impeach the embattled president for months over evidence that, during his campaign, he colluded with Russia in ways that resulted in his electoral win. Although the push to oust the president has gained traction and support from the left-leaning resistance movement, the hope that Trump would be actually indicted was far from reality–until now.

On Tuesday, Trump abruptly fired FBI Director James Comey, who was in charge of leading the investigation into his alleged ties to Russia. The president says that Comey was dismissed because, according to reports from NBC News, he was “not doing a good job.”

Skeptics believe this abrupt dismissal seemed fishy, and many suspect that this was Trump’s attempt to prevent Comey from revealing incriminating information about him. Nonetheless, as the scandal continues to unfold, cries from the left to #ImpeachTrumpNow have become increasingly louder, especially across social media channels.

Here are a few black social influencers who have shared their support for the movement on Twitter and Instagram:




