5 Time Management Tips for Small Business Owners – Black Enterprise

5 Time Management Tips for Small Business Owners

time management tips
(Image: iStock/PeopleImages)

Any small business owner knows that time is money. It’s not unusual for small business owners to work 12 to 16 hours a day, oftentimes seven days a week–especially in the beginning stages of a business. It sounds like a lot of time, but for most, it isn’t enough. Much of that time is spent on emails, in meetings, and on tedious tasks.

So, how do you manage to actually spend time moving your company forward? How do you manage to stay on top of the tedious tasks while growing your company?

Here are five time management tips to help you stay organized and focused throughout each day:


1. Don’t Multitask


This is counterintuitive to what many of us have been taught our whole lives, but several studies, including this one discussed by Stanford News, shows that multitasking is ineffective. If you focus on one thing at a time, you will be more productive and efficient.


2. Keep a To-Do List


Your biggest asset is a to-do list. This will help you keep tasks prioritized, and give you a tangible idea of what needs to get done. Put the most important projects at the top, and work your way down. There are several task management programs available online and in app form that can help keep you organized and focus on the priorities.


3. Work in Time Blocks


Working in time blocks can help you focus on specific tasks. Several successful CEOs use this method, and swear by it. You can block off an hour–or even an entire day–and dedicate that time to one project. The possibilities are endless; just make sure you give every task or project a time slot.


4. Hire a Coach or Mentor


Having someone hold you accountable and provide support where you need it will also help with productivity. It’s okay to have someone challenge or guide you when things get overwhelming–whichever you need at the time (although both are necessary).


5. Establish a Regular Schedule


Establish a regular schedule, and stick to it. It’s often better to create one based on your body’s natural rhythms, so you aren’t fighting fatigue or mental blocks. Additionally, it’s important that you take care of yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. If you don’t, it will be reflected in your work.


There are only so many hours in a work day, but many business owners push those limits regularly. Staying on top of tasks is challenging, especially when they start piling up. These tips can help take some of the stress off of your shoulders, and help you to stay productive.



About Stephanie Chung:

Based in Dallas, Stephanie Chung and Associates offer sales training, executive coaching, and small business mentorship services nationwide. Among her products is the “High Ticket Selling Made Simple” course, designed to help small business owners sell more and make more. As a former sales executive in the aviation and private jet industry, Stephanie has mastered the art of high-ticket selling and has mentored, coached, and developed some of the highest paid, most elite, sales professionals in the country. Serving business leaders, entrepreneurs, and sales professionals, Stephanie Chung uses her proven executive coaching and sales training expertise to get the job done. Chung is an executive coach, trainer, and advisor, backed by more than 25 years of team management, business development, and sales leadership experience.  Chung is also a public speaker, a contributor on ABC, CBS, NBC, and author of the books Profit Like a Girl: A Woman’s Guide to Kicking Butt in Sales and Leadership and Embrace the Suck: How to Grow and Succeed in Business. For more information, visit www.stephaniechung.com.
