Seal the Deal with Four Proven Closing Techniques – Black Enterprise
Business Entrepreneurship

Seal the Deal with Four Proven Closing Techniques

(Image: iStock/shironosov)

“Communication is key.”

It’s a phrase you’ll often hear in business and one that sales people should always keep in mind. Your tone of voice, the words you choose, and even your body language all have an effect on the message you’re conveying, especially when you’re trying to close a deal. Even the slightest hint of pushiness could send a prospective client running.

During a sales engagement, representatives should take into consideration the customer’s needs and effectively communicate how the product or service can provide a solution to those needs. If those two rules are followed, closing a sale should go smoothly, regardless of the technique used.


Be Direct


A prospective client can usually sense if you are being genuine or overselling a product or service. It’s important to convey to the client their needs are what is most important, not just the deal. People value honesty and are more likely to buy something from someone they can trust. It’s essential to prepare answers for every question, but it’s also important to show the customer you care about their best interest. After you have addressed the client’s concerns and questions, ask directly, “Jane, is there any reason why I can’t earn your business today?” This a good closing technique if you truly feel the client understands how your product or service can help them and if you feel confident that your offer is the best solution for them.


Use Incentives


When applicable, this technique makes all parties happy. The client feels they are getting a good deal on your impressive product and you get to close another deal. Incentives don’t always have to be discounts. For example, letting prospects know “This is the last day we’re offering this price…” or “If you enroll today, we’ll waive the enrollment fee.” However, when applicable, discounts also work: “We are offering a 10% discount for customers who sign up today.” This technique creates a sense of urgency and can help motivate a prospective client who wants to buy, but is moving slowly or is indecisive.


Ask Questions


Many salespeople focus on closing a sale as soon as a conversation with a prospective client begins. By asking all the correct questions, they eliminate every objection to the purchase and spark a desire or curiosity in the client. To close the sale in the form of a question, you are giving the client a chance to address any other objections they might have while giving yourself a chance to address it and change the client’s mind. For example: “In your opinion, does my product or service solve your problem?” If the answer is “yes,” then purchasing is typically the next step. Another form of a question close is, “Is there any reason why we can’t proceed with the sale?”


Pros and Cons List


A tried and true way to convince a client to make a decision is to show them that the pros outweigh the cons. This approach works well with analytical personalities but should really only be used if you are sure you have more benefits in the pros column to outweigh the cons.

In sales, there is no such thing as a “sure-fire” technique. Every client and every sales person is different, and tactics should be adjusted accordingly. However, when communicating correctly, these are a few closing techniques that have proven to be successful on a wide scale.




About Stephanie Chung

Based in Dallas, Stephanie Chung and Associates offer sales coaching, sales training, and executive mentorship services nationwide that help you work smarter, not harder. As a former sales executive in the aviation and private jet industry, Stephanie has mastered the art of high-ticket selling and has mentored, coached and developed some of the highest paid, most elite, sales professionals in the country. Serving business leaders, sales executives, and sales professionals, Business Coach Stephanie Chung uses her proven executive coaching and sales training expertise to get the job done. Chung is an executive coach, trainer, and adviser backed by more than 25 years of team management, business development, and sales leadership experience. She counsels sales executives and business professionals in a diverse array of strategies and tactics. Chung is also a public speaker, contributor of The Change Book Series and author of “Profit Like a Girl: A Woman’s Guide to Kicking Butt in Sales and Leadership” and “Embrace the Suck: How to Grow and Succeed in Business.”
