5 Key Startup Steps to Reach Social Media Numbers Like Beyonc̩ РBlack Enterprise

5 Key Startup Steps to Reach Social Media Numbers Like Beyoncé

With 10.6 million likes and counting on Instagram, Beyoncé knows how to connect with her followers by sharing glimpses of her life in photos or short videos. According to Billboard, it only took over seven hours for the announcement of her pregnancy with twins to become the most liked Instagram pic of all time. Yet, the greater question is, “Is there a formula for social media success, when promoting a business brand?  The answer is YES!

The answer is YES!

Rishabh Sharma, CEO of Poletus, shared the five key steps his company teaches social influencers–like Ray Diaz, Saxon Sharbino, Sam Golbach, and Zander, to name a few–that are central components for businesses ato capture social attention like Beyoncé.



Step #1 – Connect


What are the values your brand believes in? On various social media platforms, there are various wannabes and “fakesters,” but the good ones will express the values that they stand behind; whether it’s healthy living, politics, or issues related to social justice.

Because the careers of social influencers are dependent on the magical moments happening off screen–what happens after they actually put down their phones–most of the magic does not happen as the “like” is given. Rather, it’s about what is happening before and after that.


Step #2 – Identify the Lifestyle of the Brand


Identify the lifestyle of your brand by leveraging strategies of similar, existing brands, and using their models as an inspiring gateway to help clarify what your brand is about to your audience.  


Step #3 – Capture Unique Moments


Everyone has their own definition of what is natural and beautiful–what is yours?  you can figure this out by testing various lighting options and other elements that feed your brand’s visual aesthetic to showcase your idea of the perfect captured moment. Once you have mastered this skill, over time, it will become second nature.


Step #4 – Reveal the Journey


Followers remember stories better than they recall random bits of information that are not connected. So, create short stories that capture all the behind-the-scenes moments of each step along your brand’s journey. This not only showcases the passion behind the brand, but cultivates loyal followers.


Step #5 – Invest


A startup should also focus on its social media presence by investing in targeted social media campaigns, which include engaging display ads on Facebook, YouTube, and so on. These ads should inform, enlighten, and entertain prospective customers on the product or service offering from your brand.


So, grab your phone and capture the journey of your brand–today!
