9 Simple Ways to Inspire People to Be Great – Black Enterprise
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9 Simple Ways to Inspire People to Be Great

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
–Maya Angelou

This quote by Maya Angelou is a simple reminder of the impact one can make in someone’s life through an act of kindness, positive inspiration, or something as small as how one responds to a text message.

I used to think that I was weak, because I would not respond to situations or people in a way that would hurt them, but now I realize that it’s okay. I want to be a peacemaker or peacekeeper when at all possible, and in doing so, I believe that I am bringing out the best in others. Inspiration is powerful and can significantly change a person’s life.

Greatness is different for everyone, and you have to determine what makes you great or what it means for you to be great yourself.  Inspiring someone to greatness is both good for those who are being inspired and the one providing inspiration.




Here are a few tips that I’d like to share with you to encourage greatness. 

1. Be Authentic

People want to know that you care, and the best way to show you care is to be authentic and kind.

2. Be Enthusiastic

It is said that nothing happens without enthusiasm. When you are enthusiastic, you are more attractive and inviting. Enthusiasm is infectious.  When you are enthusiastic about the work you do, you will spark a fire of enthusiasm in others.

3. Connect Emotionally

Connecting emotionally means being interested and making others feel important. For example, commenting on a Facebook post versus just hitting the ‘like’ button goes a long way. We all want to be liked and supported.

4. Be a Storyteller

When we hear stories, we build a stronger connection with the person telling the story and give them freedom to share their own stories.

5. Be Encouraging

Encouragement is such a selfless act, and words matter.  Our words have the capacity to change lives and bring life.

6. Be a Listener

Being distracted and doing others things while someone is talking to you is the fastest way to show that you are not interested. You must listen with your eyes.

7. Keep Your Promises:

Showing up is the key to success.  The quickest way to destroy the trust that you’ve worked so hard for, is to not keep your word.  Even if you need more time, do what you said.

8. Keep It Positive

A great way to stay positive is to write down what you are grateful for.

9. Be Charismatic and Confident

Confident body language affects how others see you. For example, a simple smile is a sign of both confidence and charisma.
Have you had the pleasure of inspiring a person to take a positive step forward to a better life? Or, has someone helped inspire you to overcome a significant struggle? If so, we’d love to hear all about it in the comments.




This article was written by LaToyia Dennis.

LaToyia Dennis is a wife, motivated mom, parent enthusiast, principal fundraising consultant and founder of A Chance to Learn. LaToyia is a dynamic, savvy, MBA-educated successful leader in advancing the nonprofit sector, relationship manager, and enthusiastic speaker. Learn more about LaToyia via her website at www.motivatedmom.org and follow her on Twitter @LaToyiaDennis.
