Tristan Walker Experiences Full Circle Moment With Black Enterprise – Black Enterprise

Tristan Walker Experiences Full Circle Moment With Black Enterprise

Tristan Walker
(Image: Black Enterprise)

Founder and CEO of Walker & Co. Brands, Inc. Tristan Walker has dreamt of what’s to come since his days on Wall Street. What (or shall I say who) inspired that dream? None other than tech tycoon, entertainer, and CEO of MZRT, Ryan Leslie.

Leslie has long taken the tech industry by storm, and he has made exceptional strides ever since. His success with almost all he touched was the inspiration Walker needed to pursue his own grandiose dreams.

Fast forward to today, years after Walker was first inspired by Leslie to forgo the comforts of Wall Street and take on the streets of Silicon Valley; both tech disruptors now grace the cover of Black Enterprise magazine–together.

Below, Walker explains what this full circle moment means to him:

