7 Things You Really Shouldn’t Worry About – Black Enterprise
Health and Wellness Lifestyle

7 Things You Really Shouldn’t Worry About

(Image: iStock.com/keithpix)
(Image: iStock.com/keithpix)

From racist politicians to police officers who don’t value black lives, there are a million things to worry about. But these things, my dear, should not be on that list.

  1. Old ish. Letting yourself be bogged down with past failures will keep you right there: in the past. Let go, and you free yourself up for future success and brand new chances to make better decisions.
  2. Friends who drift away. You bonded in fifth grade, but a shared love of Barbies may not be enough to keep your friendship strong post-college. But that’s OK–relationships evolve just like you do, and making new friends is not a crime.
  3. Aging. Each birthday is a blessing, and the reality is, though the years continue to tick upward, all you need to do is look in the mirror (or the women in your family) to remember that you’ve still got it. Celebrate!
  4. Uncommunicative potential baes. You deserve way more than some dude who purposely waits 12 hours to respond to your texts. Next!
  5. Other people’s opinions. They literally mean nothing to your life; don’t give inconsequential people power over you that they have not earned.

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Black Health Matters (BHM) is the leading patient and consumer-focused health information website for African Americans. BHM connects health information seekers to the highest quality health content on the web, shared via social media and disseminated at BHM community-based health events. Committed to making African American families healthier, BHM imparts expert advice on disease management while promoting healthier lifestyles. The result is a compelling health content experience that resonates within the cultural context of the user’s life.
