New UNCF Partnership Encourages African American Students To Choose Healthcare Careers – Black Enterprise

New UNCF Partnership Encourages African American Students To Choose Healthcare Careers

Rasaan Hollis, senior at Xavier University and Gateway to Leadership Scholar, speaks at UNCF’s 2015 Student Leadership Conference. (Image: Lionel L. Foreman, DLL Production)

Health Care Navigator has announced the kickoff of a scholarship and internship program in partnership with UNCF.

The Health Care Navigator Scholars Program will provide qualified African American college students and graduates with opportunities to experience careers in all segments of the long-term care and senior housing fields.

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“Healthcare is one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States, yet many college students are not aware of the array of available opportunities within it,” said Alex Paley, executive asset manager of HCN. “We want to invest in students and expose them to the rewards of careers in healthcare; careers that are not just available in clinical positions, but rather in all disciplines that support the delivery of care–whether it be information technology, finance, legal services, or marketing. Our joint program with UNCF is a very important first step in addressing this.”

A recent Georgetown University workforce study found that African Americans are underrepresented in college majors associated with the fastest-growing, highest-paying occupations, with only 7% entering STEM fields.

HCN, a national healthcare asset management and shared back-office services firm working with clients in the long-term care and senior housing industry; and UNCF, the nation’s largest minority education assistance organization will together provide qualified African American college students and graduates with internship and scholarship opportunities that could lead to fulfilling careers in healthcare.

“We are excited to work with HCN to design what we believe will be a dynamic professional development program for our students who aspire to careers in the healthcare industry,” said Larry Griffith, UNCF senior vice president of scholarships and programs.

Eight selected African American college students will each receive a $2,500 Health Care Navigator scholarship and be offered a paid internship in South Carolina, Florida, or HCN’s corporate office in White Plains, New York, with the potential for an offer of employment upon graduation. The selected scholars will also participate in a professional development and leadership conference this summer hosted by UNCF with support from Health Care Navigator.

Eligible students must be enrolled full time as juniors or seniors at a four-year HBCU, or as a first-year law school student attending the institution of their choice, and must be interested in pursuing a career in healthcare. Additional scholars will be selected to receive a $2,500 Health Care Navigator scholarship.

The first cohort of HCN Scholars will be announced mid-spring.
