6 Ways to Effectively Use Silent Video as a Form of Marketing – Black Enterprise

6 Ways to Effectively Use Silent Video as a Form of Marketing

(Getty Images)

It’s 2016, and the times are changing once again for video. It’s time to start focusing on silent video again.

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Why, you ask? Well, people are now collectively watching 100 million hours of video on Facebook every day. Think about how people view their Facebook feed: often silently scrolling on their phone while waiting in line for a coffee or secretly while at work when they should be doing something more productive. This means many of these views are coming from mobile autoplays which are muted, or in a cubicle where volume is not an option or is frowned upon.

Two brands have been doing an amazing job utilizing silent video marketing on Facebook and have seen great success: Now This breaks world news in bite-sized pieces using silent video, and boasts over four million Facebook likes all generated by this video content. BuzzFeed Food features delicious food and recipes delivered in short silent videos, and has racked up almost 20 million Facebook likes.

So what does that mean for video advertisers? That video you made for the Super Bowl, YouTube, or any other medium won’t have the same impact while viewed silently on a user’s Facebook feed. When a video is played without audio, you miss the impact of music, sound effects and voiceovers that normally help drive home an advertiser’s message. Brands need to be making a conscious move to create specific content for every delivery system, including the no-audio land of today’s Facebook videos.

If planned correctly, you can create these Facebook-focused pieces of content with just a little forward thinking and a bit of extra editing.

Read more at www.businesscollective.com

Torrey Tayenaka is a serial entrepreneur with ventures that include a video marketing agency, (Sparkhouse) non-profit marketing firm and a water saving smart shower device.

BusinessCollective, launched in partnership with Citi, is a virtual mentorship program powered by North America’s most ambitious young thought leaders, entrepreneurs, executives and small business owners.
