Tinder Says These Are the Most Attractive Jobs For Men and Women – Black Enterprise

Tinder Says These Are the Most Attractive Jobs For Men and Women

Black Professionals
Image: File
Black Professionals
Image: File

Need help with your love life and career? Tinder may have the answers to both.

The dating app that helps you find your love match, has just released data on the most attractive jobs for men and women who use Tinder.

Three months ago, the app integrated jobs and education into Tinder profiles, leading millions of users to add their job titles. With occupational details providing further insight for potential matches, Tinder examined what users got the most swipes to the right and the jobs that were associated with their profiles.

[RELATED: 3 Job Search Apps That Work Almost Like Online Dating]

Following swipes from November 2015 to January 2016, Tinder found the below jobs to be most attractive for men and women. Just know, if you’re a male pilot or a female physical therapist your love match may be coming sooner than you think.

most attractive jobs

