EXCLUSIVE: The U.S. Black Chambers Endorse Hillary Clinton – Black Enterprise
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EXCLUSIVE: The U.S. Black Chambers Endorse Hillary Clinton

clinton email
Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton (Image: File)
headshot of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton

The U.S. Black Chambers will endorse presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Ron Busby, president of the U.S. Black Chambers, will formally announce the endorsement at a rally in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, BE Politics has learned.

In comments obtained exclusively by BE Politics, Busby and Clinton explain why HRC is the best choice for black business.

[RELATED: Congressman John Lewis Endorses Hillary Clinton]

Busby asserted that “in order for there to be a strong black America, there must be strong black businesses.” Citing the need for a candidate who would “expand access to capital, provide tax relief, and expand access to new markets for black business owners,” the U.S. Black Chambers president affirmed that Clinton was the best person for the job.

“We unequivocally believe Hillary Clinton is the candidate that has the best understanding of the economic challenges facing black business owners, and has forward thinking priorities to alleviate the economic conditions facing black Americans and black businesses.”

Ron Busby Sr., president, U.S. Black Chamber
Ron Busby Sr., president, U.S. Black Chamber

Clinton expressed gratitude at her latest endorsement, stating her excitement to join in the “fight for fairness and opportunity for African American entrepreneurs and families.” Acknowledging the necessities outlined by Busby, Clinton pledged to “cut red tape, improve access to capital, provide tax relief, and increase access to new markets around the world.”

This is a major win for Clinton, who has been struggling with the unexpected, meteoric rise of Bernie Sanders. With annual revenues upwards of $10 million and ties to over 100 national Black Chambers of Commerce, The U.S. Black Chambers is a major force within the black community. Their endorsement is a much-needed confirmation of Clinton’s long-standing support within the black electorate.
