SheaMoisture’s ‘Good For You Glamour’ Campaign Spotlights Breast Cancer Survivors – Black Enterprise
Health and Wellness Lifestyle

SheaMoisture’s ‘Good For You Glamour’ Campaign Spotlights Breast Cancer Survivors


SheaMoisture Cosmetics, in collaboration with the Tigerlily Foundation, launched the “Good For You Glamour Campaign” in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In addition to spotlighting breast cancer survivors, for every cosmetic item purchased on between Oct. 15 and Nov. 15, 2015, SheaMoisture (through Sundial Brands) will donate the same item of equal value to Tigerlily’s New Normal Initiative. The Tigerlily Foundation is a national breast cancer foundation that provides education, awareness, and hands-on support to young women ages 15-40, before, during and after breast cancer. Here’s a snapshot of the women spotlighted in the Good for You campaign.

[Related: Fewer Mammograms? How American Cancer Society Decision Could Affect Black Women]

Maggy Francois

“I am strong because I have been weak,” Maggy Francois, as told to

“I am a Survivor and my new normal is walking through life with an unshakable confidence. One of the challenges that women who have gone through a life-threatening disease, such as breast cancer, face is this: Even though we are no longer in treatments and our hair is growing back, although we walk with confidence and on the outside everything looks good, very fashionable, people tend to forget the recovery still continues.”

“I’m a firm believer that if you look and feel good, it will help you recover gracefully and positive energy can benefit tremendously. It may seem trivial to some and I know lipstick can’t save lives, but it can help you confront adversity in STYLE.”

Maimah Karmo

“I am a Survivor and my new normal is to live my soul purpose, to be alive in every moment and to be love,” Maimah Karmo, as told to

“On February 28, 2006, at 4:45 p.m., I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. I had no family history and was 32-years old. While undergoing my second round of chemotherapy, I made a promise to God that if I survived, I would give my life to Him in service. After my second treatment, the promise was born. Its name – Tigerlily Foundation.”

“How do I live differently now, after treatment? My life is more purposeful and I am conscious about my thoughts, actions, words and relationships. I don’t take life as seriously and invest my time only in things that improve the quality of my life (mind, body and spirit) and the world.”

“My motto is joy first–for me and everyone I can touch–every day! I love knowing when I get up in the morning, that I will spend my day helping others all day, and I go to bed at night having given all that I can to making the world a better place. I tell the people in my life that I love them every day, don’t hold back, live life with my heart wide open and have no regrets. I know that I’m here to make an impact in the world and enjoy inspiring others to do so as well.

“Words I live by: beauty, strength, transformation, bliss, magic, fearless, warrior, zenhustler, soul purpose, believe. Live bliss fearlessly! Be a BOSS!”

Read More: SheaMoisture

