What Does an Engineer Look Like? – Black Enterprise

What Does an Engineer Look Like?

What does an engineer look like? Isis Anchalee Wenger is a platform engineer at a company called OneLogin who appeared in a recruiting ad for her company.  According to reports, the ad sparked some somewhat sexist comments across social media that questioned if a female engineer could possibly look like Wenger.

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In response to the comments, she launched #ILookLikeanEngineer on Twitter to show the world that, despite stereotypes, engineers can also look like her.

“My stories have become such a source of inspiration for so many people. I am now developing a team to build out www.ilooklikeanengineer.com, a safe platform for us all to continue to share our stories and experiences relating to diversity issues in tech,” wrote Wenger in the blog Coffeelicious.

 Take a look below at these women of color who are also proud engineers.
