Spelman Cuts Ties With Former Benefactor Bill Cosby – Black Enterprise

Spelman Cuts Ties With Former Benefactor Bill Cosby

Headshot of Bill Cosby
(Source: Facebook)
(Image: Facebook)

It has been widely reported that Spelman College, the elite college for black women, has discontinued the professorship endowed by Bill Cosby. Last year the college suspended the professorship indefinitely after several women came forward and accused Cosby of sexual assault. According to the New York Times, Spelman has terminated the program and returned the funds to the Clara Elizabeth Jackson Carter Foundation established by Camille Cosby, Bill Cosby’s wife.

Other colleges that have severed ties with Cosby include his own alma maters, Temple University and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

[Related: Bill Cosby Show Canceled in Massachusetts]

In 1988, Bill and Camille Cosby donated $20 million to Spelman, at the time the largest single contribution to an HBCU.

Last week the New York Times published parts of a deposition from 2005 in which Cosby admits to obtaining drugs to give to young women so he can pursue them sexually. However, the Times also reports that Cosby has never been charged with a crime, and that he has denied the accusations leveled against him.
