[WATCH] Empowerment Empowerment Coach Teaches Women To Face Fear by Skydiving – Black Enterprise

[WATCH] Empowerment Empowerment Coach Teaches Women To Face Fear by Skydiving

(Image: Twitter)

If there’s one thing most people have in common, its fear. So in 2012, when Cheryl Wood, a speaker and transformation coach, realized most of the women in her circle faced a fear of inadequacy, fear of judgment, and fear of failure, she did what she does best–help people step outside of their comfort zone by skydiving to remove their fears and self-limiting beliefs. BlackEnterprise.com caught up with the “Master of Fearless Living” to learn more about why she chose skydiving, and advice to help others get over their fears.

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BlackEnterprise: In 2012, you organized a “Women Fearless Jump (skydiving) Day,” for 8 women to dive out of their fears, so they could become the best version of themselves.Why did you choose skydiving?

Wood: I chose skydiving because it was my biggest fear. I am terrified of heights. I have to be authentic in everything I do, so I knew it wouldn’t be fair of me to tell women to take risks and fearlessly do what scares them the most if I wasn’t willing to do that very thing first. In my business, I am committed to walking the talk and blazing the trail before I ever set high expectations for clients who work with me.

What are some of the fears that women face?

Women often talk themselves out of taking risks and stepping outside of their comfort zone to play bigger because of these fears.

What’s your advice for someone having trouble getting out of his or her own way?

My advice is to get started even in the face of fear. I don’t believe you can overcome fear, but I do believe you can immobilize fear every time it tries to stop you from accomplishing something great in your life. Action is the thing that immobilizes fear. So, if you want to get out of your way, take a step forward even with butterflies in the pit of your stomach, with your palms sweating, and with the fear of failure staring you in the face. Do it anyway. The more you take action in the face of fear, the more confident you become about your ability to stand in your power.

[Below: Watch Video]

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