Female Professionals Winning: 5 Work-Life Balance Tips to Stay Sane – Black Enterprise

Female Professionals Winning: 5 Work-Life Balance Tips to Stay Sane

Whether you consider yourself a female entrepreneur, star professional, or a just a working women striving for greatness (all of which we like to describe as Women of Power), though successful, you may find yourself struggling to maintain a substantially healthy work/life balance, making stress related disorders, and overall burnout a real life concern.

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Black Enterprise had the pleasure of speaking with several young powerful professional women all from varying industries, who shared how they maintain balance in their personal and professional lives. They’ve kindly provided tips, notions and words of wisdom to assist all women in regaining a sense of control over their lives and hopefully aiding them in reaching a new found, work/life nirvana.

Create a support system- Dr. Janet Taylor, a New York based Psychiatrist, believes that maintaining balance has more to do with how women choose to handle issues as they arise, and that being equipped to handle trying issues, comes with preparation. “Always have a support system. Stress management is related to self-management. We all need external resources. Have them identified before a crisis.”, says Taylor.

Don’t be afraid to step away- Recognizing stress before it happens is ideal but not always realistic. If you’re unable to get ahead of an issue, that may indeed cause an abundance of mental strain, don’t let it go unnoticed. Latoiya Roland, owner of beauty brand I WEAR GLAM, says when it comes to  stressful situations she is ok with stepping away for a moment. “When you feel stressed or over worked, take a breather. It’s okay to walk away from your desk sometimes to clear your mind”, says Roland. But, she reminds us not to stay away too long because recovering from neglected work is difficult. “Make sure to never get to behind in your business, because playing catch up is hard,” says Roland.

Incorporate your family in your passion-When it comes to working women, who may also wear the hat of wife and/or mother, Chef Trina Monique, cupcake stylist and owner of Tres Chic Cupcakes, believes there’s no reason to keep both professional and home lives separate. She also reminds women to keep in mind that you can’t define your life by others terms.

“Never define yourself solely by one aspect of your life. You’re not just a wife or just a mother; those are just different layers that represent part of who you are”, says Chef Trina, “Find a way to incorporate your family into your passion. It will help you and help them figure out what they like to do. Being an entrepreneur doesn’t mean you have to choose between your family and your passion. It just means you have to figure out what works best for your family and bring everything together. Everyone’s journey is different, so never try to define yourself based on what someone else may do.”

Remain grounded Taylar Barrington, founder of empowerment brand Maverick Hill, feels while its important to surround yourself with people you love, there are a few things you may want to keep top of mind. “Remain grounded in the people/reasons you’re working so hard in the first place,” says Barrington, “It’s clear you care enough about them to immerse your entire self into your career, so don’t forget that they need a hug, a talk and they certainly don’t deserve the stresses of your work day.”

Don’t forget to laugh- Barrington provides yet another  pretty important tip, reminding women who may take their life roles, and careers very seriously to take sometime to chuckle, giggle and wholeheartedly laugh whenever the opportunity presents itself. ” Laugh, really hard, any time you get the opportunity, tell a joke and spend some time with friends that build you up. Evaluate your circle and make sure the people who are around you make you feel, that in the little time you have for leisure, that it’s genuine and loving.”
