Weight Loss Inspiration: How Maria Gordon Reversed Diabetes and Lost 100 lbs – Black Enterprise
Health and Wellness Lifestyle

Weight Loss Inspiration: How Maria Gordon Reversed Diabetes and Lost 100 lbs

(Image: Twitter)

When Maria Gordon was at her peak weight of 293 lbs. and living with Type 2 diabetes since 2010, she knew if she didn’t make some choices her life would end quickly. “I began to make a lifestyle change and commitment,” she recalls. Gordon took baby steps which led to some life changing results. “I started with a commitment a week. It began with drinking more water, then I stopped eating fast food, processed food, and so on,” she explains. Gordon also began walking on the track. “I started with a half mile and moved up from there.”

With a commitment to herself and accomplishing her goals, she saw significant changes in as little as two months: her energy increased, blood sugar improved, and she lost 15 pounds. As Gordon realized that she was capable of becoming healthy she set more goals for herself. In 2013 she became a vegetarian. “This was a bigger life shift for me. I noticed extreme mental clarity. I also realized the importance of the mind, body, and spirit connection to wellness,” she says. Since starting her lifestyle change in 2013 she has lost 100 pounds and reversed her diabetes.

With this amazing transformation Gordon noticed a lot of changes in other areas in her life. “I became more confident and sure of myself. I also decided to become a wellness coach and help others live a healthier lifestyle too.” Gordon, who previously worked in social media marketing with a demanding job, encourages people to look at their work schedule and create balance in life. Through her coaching business she is happy to see the results of her clients. Gordon offers the following advice:

1. Drink water and cut back on carbonated and sugary drinks.
2. Decrease intake of carbs and dairy.
3. Increase fruit and vegetables in your diet.
4. Choose lean protein options.

To learn more about Maria Gordon, check out www.ProsperouslyYours.com or follow her on Twitter @MsMariag.

Yvelette Stines is an award-winning writer whose work has been published in Essence, Uptown, Heart and Soul, Jones, Hispanic Executive Quarterly, and Green Build + Design, just to name a few. Her book Vernon the Vegetable Man encourages children to choose healthy lifestyle habits. Stines’ blog Calming Corners motivates readers to live a calm and healthy lifestyle. You can find her calmly playing on social media @yvelettestines and @calmingcorners.
