Social Media Week Lagos Connects Africa for Awareness and Innovation – Black Enterprise

Social Media Week Lagos Connects Africa for Awareness and Innovation

With Social Media Week 2015 underway worldwide, Social Media Week Lagos has had a very successful week, one filled with exceptional leaders, events and speakers across industries including fashion, tech, entertainment, and music. AFRIKA21 presents the third year of SMW Lagos, where more than 15,000 people participate in the conference and more than 400,000 are connecting online.

In its seventh year, SMW is currently being observed in 21 cities around the globe. This year’s theme is “Upwardly Mobile: The Rise of the Connected Class.Toby Daniels, founder and executive director of Social Media Week, says via the event hub’s site: “The Connected Class is represented by those with access and connectivity. Today there are 3 billion of us. By 2022 there will be 6 billion. Through the exploration of the upwardly mobile theme we want to ask the fundamental question: How can all humans achieve more in a connected world?”

[Related: Social Media Week: Black Enterprise Hosts Event Centered on Activism in Today’s Digital Age]

Africa has not only a rapidly expanding mobile tech field, it has the largest mobile tech field second only to Asia. SMW Lagos is providing innovators and entrepreneurs with new ideas and ways to think deeper into the impact of mobile and Web use in Africa and across the globe.

Check out a few clips from the action below:

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