States And Their Startups Getting The Most Venture Capital – Black Enterprise

States And Their Startups Getting The Most Venture Capital


which-state-is-best-for-small-business2Massachusetts startups received $960 million in early stage financing from a total of 88 deals, while New York startups got $754 million in seed money from a total of 97 deals, according to the MoneyTree Report from PricewaterhouseCoopers and the National Venture Capital Association. Venture capitalist invested a total of $9.5 billion in 951 deals in total during the first quarter of 2014, which was the highest quarterly investment since the second quarter of 2001.

The software industry captured the most dollars at $4 billion from 414 deals, which was more than three times the money invested in the second largest industry, biotechnology at $1.1 billion from 112 deals. Software companies accounted for 42%  of total dollars and 44% of total deals in the first quarter. At No. 3 is the IT industry, with an investment of $816 million from 59 deals in the first quarter of 2014.

“Investments into the Software sector continue to remain healthy as investors look for companies with disruptive technology that challenges the norm,” remarked Mark McCaffrey, global software leader and technology partner at PwC. “These companies are attracting significant funding from venture capitalists and non-traditional investors alike as their business models continue to provide real value across all sectors and get access to global markets.

“Seed and early stage financing numbers are down from the previous quarter, but expansion stage dollars invested are up 34%. This was to be expected when you consider the domination by seed and early stage deals in 2012 and 2013,” Bobby Franklin, President and CEO of NVCA, said in a statement.

The report also provided regional data for states and the number of deals and venture capital investments they received. Here is a sample from

State Number of Deals Investment (in $)
Connecticut 10 189,756,800
District of Columbia 5 22,276,200
Florida 12 71,947,100
Georgia 10 116,228,000
Maryland 16 67,665,100
Massachusetts 88 960,972,200
New Hampshire 3 28,518,200
New Jersey 5 19,561,000
New York 97 754,006,100
North Carolina 11 59,107,100
Pennsylvania 28 178,856,100
Rhode Island 1 20,000,000
Texas 41 348,724,200
Virginia 22 127,507,200
