Success Quips: 3 Quickfire Networking Tips with Boss Network’s Cameka Smith – Black Enterprise

Success Quips: 3 Quickfire Networking Tips with Boss Network’s Cameka Smith

Cameka Smith, entrepreneur, founder, The Boss Network (Image: The Boss Network)

In this special series, we share quick and easy tips on career enhancement and workplace issues—on everything from networking to leadership to conflict resolution—from industry leaders.

Cameka Smith, Award-winning Enterpreneur, Founder, The Boss Network:

Best thing to do in an awkward networking situation…

Humor is always the best way to handle a situation like this. Not that we are making light of the situation, but just showing transparency to the point that [we all know we are] not perfect.

Great way to follow up that will ensure you stand out…

Remember something personal about the person you are connecting with. It might be a funny story that you shared or a article that you ran across that could benefit them in their business endeavor. This shows that you were paying attention and have a genuine interest in building the relationship.

One great way to get over the intimidation factor …

People like realness. A simple, “Hello, I am a fan of your work especially the ….” can make or break an introduction. Having knowledge of something they have done or an award they received always makes people feel good.

Cameka Smith is a speaker, educator, author, and social entrepreneur and founder of The BOSS Network, a community of career and entrepreneurial women who support each other through conversation, online and via event-based networking. In addition, Smith provides resources for women entrepreneurs and professionals through workshops and speaking engagements. She is also a mentor and program facilitator for Project BOSS, which matches professionals with youth.
