5 Practical Ways to Increase Your Cash Flow Right Now – Black Enterprise

5 Practical Ways to Increase Your Cash Flow Right Now

Want more cash? Get creative about making yourself more available using your skills -- and fulfilling other's needs.
Want more cash? Get creative about making yourself more available using your skills -- and fulfilling other's needs.

Now that we are headed back to school, into the Fall and back to our daily routines, there are many that will be looking for ways to bring in extra income.

Here are a few tips:

1.) Offer up your skills. Whether it’s painting, bookkeeping or another skill, you can find those willing to pay for you to do it for them.

2.) Fill a temporary need. Heading into the holidays, stores will need extra help and this would be a great time to get a part-time job to pull in some extra cash.

3.) Work at a food co- op or pantry. Many will give you food in exchange for your efforts and this will help you spend less on your next trip to the grocery store.

4.) Pick up an odd job. With everyone heading back to their normal routines, this may leave some tasks undone, raking leaves, cleaning gutters, organizing an office space or closets can turn into extra cash for you.

5.) Become a researcher or part of a focus group. Get paid for your opinion on new products coming to market or for completing surveys. Do a search of “market research” firms and apply.

Take some time and find ways to make extra cash with a skill set that you already have. Don’t let a cash flow problem hunker down your finances. There are plenty of ways to make some extra cash out there, you just need to find it!

Black Enterprise Columnist Jennifer Streaks is a Financial Expert, Author & Pundit. Continue the conversation by following her on twitter @JStreaks or visiting her website at www.JenniferStreaks.com.
