Freelancers: Top Ways Facebook Can Help You Land Your Next Gig – Black Enterprise

Freelancers: Top Ways Facebook Can Help You Land Your Next Gig

(Image: Facebook)
(Image: Facebook)

Social media sites are prime places to find opportunities for your next gig. And for freelancers, these are key Web portals to attract and find out about clients and jobs. Here’s how you can use Facebook in particular to land new gigs:

Two things Facebook has done since its startup days that have made it the wildly successful business it has become:

  • Facebook focused on “viral growth” and scaling its audience before spending effort and focus on “monetizing” (or making money) from its audience. Zuckerberg knew that if he could get the audience large enough, the money would take care of itself.
  • Instead of holing up until the site was indestructible and every feature that customers might want was built, Facebook practiced “iterative development.” The product was live to the public well before it was full of features, and the site often crashed. Facebook used this real-world testing (and the sense of urgency that comes with it) to quickly improve its offering with very small incremental improvements.

Both of these approaches worked for Facebook. But what do they mean for you as a freelancer or solopreneur?

One of these practices is the key to your success. The other will likely lead to your demise.

Read more at Brazen Careerist …
