Recruitment Tip: How to Jazz Up Job Classifieds – Black Enterprise

Recruitment Tip: How to Jazz Up Job Classifieds

(Image: Thinkstock)
(Image: Thinkstock)

Are you looking to boost your company’s popularity or hire fast? Is your “Now Hiring” advertisement not receiving the attention you had hoped for? There could be a simple solution staring in your face: Your advertisement is dated and boring. In today’s ever-changing economy and culture, it is beneficial to change your job ad with the times. Publishing a bland post is doomed from the very start.

It isn’t enough to just post an opening. You have to give the world a compelling reason to read it. If you’re on the prowl for a change in quality of applicants, marketing manager and human resources writer offers some awesome tips on how to jazz up your job postings for clarity and attractiveness to top job seekers:

Less is more.

The former days where you are forced to utilize galvanizing superfluous jargon (as evident in the aforementioned phrase) are over. The average person does not want or have the time figure out what you are saying. Gaydos suggests communicating in the classifieds just as you would in person. Use clean, concise language to get your point across, Gaydos suggests.

Get to know them.

Another great suggestion is to ask applicants to include their future goals and plans and how they relate to your company in a cover letter. This gives the opportunity to learn more about them before you ever schedule an interview. Using this practice forces those interested to consider the impact that they can have with your company and establishes a defined vision. With these measures you can cut down on people that show no true interest in your open positions.

Hand out dose of realism.

No one wants to be your manager, editor, photographer, coffee grabber, babysitter, party planner, and counselor. Responsibilities can often be cited as the culprit in high turnover ratios, Gaydos suggests. Take a look at what you specifically want in an employee and ask yourself would you be willing to do that amount of work with that amount of pay. And, if the answer is yes, consider if you could do it well.
