Move Over Boys: 4 Coding Schools Just For Girls – Black Enterprise

Move Over Boys: 4 Coding Schools Just For Girls

(Image: Black Girls Code)
(Image: Black Girls Code)

Girls can code, too. Despite what you see, or hear, at tech conferences and meetups, as well as mainstream media’s portrayal of the digital landscape, coding is not just reserved for boys.

While women are currently underrepresented in professional tech jobs, there’s been a push to get elementary to high school girls involved in programming. Here, ReadWrite outlines a list of coding education programs directed at women and girls of varying ages:

Girl Develop It
Formerly known as Girl Develop It, this woman-only school is comprised of chapters in 16 cities in America, Canada, and Australia. The international organization, which is certified by the Board of Education, is teaching women software development through mentorship and one-on-one instruction.

The low-cost classes are casual, so soon-to-be coders don’t have to worry about knowing how to know even basic coding.

Black Girls Code
To date, Black Girls Code founder Kimberly Bryant has taught over 800 girls to code. With African American founders only making up 1% of technology startups, much less black women, Bryant’s program will undoubtedly prepare girls to compete in tomorrow’s job market.

BGC targets girls ages seven to 17. With the help of several hundred volunteers, the nonprofit now offers courses in seven American cities

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