Indiana Sorority Girls Throw Homeless-Themed Party – Black Enterprise

Indiana Sorority Girls Throw Homeless-Themed Party

Sorority girls from Indiana University’s Kappa Delta chapter sponsored a homeless-themed party this week, Jezebel reports.

Photos of the sorority girls have surfaced on the web. The sorority members wear cutoff shorts and plaid shirts with  dirt smudges on their cheeks and  hold signs like: “Why lie? It’s for BOOZE. Homeless need $ and prayers.” “Will Twerk for Food” and “Give me a nickel and I’ll tickle your pickle.”

The party is reminiscent of the Mexican-themed party sorority girls at Penn State sponsored a few months ago. Many in the community found Kappa Delta’s party insensitive to the homeless population in Bloomington, Indiana.

Read more at Jezebel.

