On the Go: 8 Steps to a Smooth Job Relocation – Black Enterprise

On the Go: 8 Steps to a Smooth Job Relocation

(Image: Thinkstock)

Many industries require professionals to hop around from city to city and be flexible to relocate at any time. Moving to an unfamiliar city can be exciting and scary at the same time, with unknown expectations of how things will pan out. Some let fear overpower the excitement, and pass up on an opportunity, but below are steps that Forbes writer Jacquelyn Smith suggests to help ease your nerves and make your relocation transition a lot easier:

Stay organized: Organization is one of the key steps in helping to make any move a lot less stressful. Keep a to-do list of things that need to be done before the move and after the move and check off each task as you complete it so that your mind isn’t cluttered with trying to handle a million and one things at a time.

Ask about relocation assistance: Many companies offer relocation services that assist you in selling your home and finding a new one, helping pay for movers, and sometimes even help assist in finding job placement for your spouse. Remember, if your company doesn’t offer any relocation assistance the option to negotiate is always on the table.

Explore your new environment before moving: If you can afford to, take a weekend trip to your new city before moving to get an idea of the people, places and overall environment. Or if you aren’t able to visit before the big move, read some of the local newspapers and blogs to get an idea of what the city has to offer.

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