How to Recover from a Career Blunder – Black Enterprise

How to Recover from a Career Blunder

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(Image: Thinkstock)

From Brazen Careerist.

Nobody’s perfect. We all make mistakes, whether it’s in our personal lives or our professional ones. From partnering with the wrong company to sending a disrespectful email to the wrong coworker, every day someone commits a career sin that could mean their professional demise.

If a mistake is made or you see yourself heading for the firing range, here are a few tips from Brazen Careerist that can help you rebound:

You’re Demoted: What if you’re demoted, not fired? You don’t have the time to freelance or volunteer, and you can’t switch camp either. What should you do?

Look at it this way: your boss probably felt bad that he or she needed to demote you in the first place (if you’ve been doing a great job). That gives you an opportunity to ask for what you previously couldn’t get.

For example, accept the demotion but see if you can negotiate a flexible working schedule (location- or time- wise) that will allow you to take on clients of your own.

Read more at Brazen Careerist …
