5 Reasons Summer Is The Best Time To Job Hunt – Black Enterprise

5 Reasons Summer Is The Best Time To Job Hunt

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newspaper job adsFrom Brazen Careerist

Are your hopeful inquiries to job posts going unanswered?

Struggling to keep motivated after a bunch of rejection emails (if you’re lucky enough to even receive acknowledgment you exist?)

Finding it borderline impossible anymore to sit down and write a cover letter after a long day at work?

Lucky for you, along with all the other added benefits of summer – I’m thinking hot men and women in next to no clothing frolicking on the beach – the warm weather and longer days also bring a much needed boost to your job hunt and motivation.

Check out these five reasons summer can be your best job hunting season:

1. Longer daylight hours means less time crunch

Remember in December when you left work and it was pitch black outside? Talk about sleep-inducing!

Longer daylight hours trick our biological clocks into thinking we have more time. In an article explaining the added benefits of “Springing Forward”, Mary Schmich of the Chicago Tribune writes, “There’s nothing we want more in life than time, and light feels like time.”

So use all that extra time to rework your resume AND go for a run all before dark. No more choosing between the two!

2. Summer screams happy hour

When the weather gets nice, everyone goes outside to drink, which provides the perfect excuse to attend as many networking functions as possible. Summer = social.

Always feel a bit awkward standing alone at a seminar at some university or convention center? No problem. Networking events hosted at baseball stadiums or outdoor venues provide a much more relaxed environment for getting to know other professionals. Warmer weather means more mingling — and margaritas!
