African American and Latino Shoppers Use Mobile Shopping Technology More – Black Enterprise

African American and Latino Shoppers Use Mobile Shopping Technology More

Although smartphone use in the United States skews lower among African Americans and Latinos, a new behavioral study shows it’s not stopping both groups from shopping online via mobile technology.  The report implies African Americans and Latinos are using shopping technology more.

When compared to their Caucasian counterparts, 18% of African Americans and 16% of Latinos use mobile shopping technology, according to a study conducted by The Integer Group, a leading global promotional, retail and shopper marketing agency, and M/A/R/C Research. This is compared to 10% of Caucasian shoppers.

Findings from the report show 21% of African- American shoppers use their phone to read product reviews and upkeep shopping lists while 20% of Latino shoppers use their device to compare prices on items, reports MarketWatch. This is in comparison to 13% of Caucasian consumers.

The recent mobile shopping finds are slated to change the way marketers target multicultural shoppers.

Read more at MarketWatch…
