Free!! Books of the Week – House Hunting – Black Enterprise

Free!! Books of the Week – House Hunting

Are you interested in owning your own home? For many, buying a home is considered an investment. A big one. Weighing the pros and cons of home ownership, as well as the money, time and research required to buy a home, can leave some feeling overwhelmed. Alleviate some of the stress with these house hunting book bundles that help break down some of the basic questions. Visit our BE Rewarded site for your chance to win. For a full list of the books available see below:

Homeowner Help One


Decoding The New Mortgage Market: Insider Secrets for Getting the Best Loans Without Getting Ripped Off by David Reed

Renters Win, Home Owners Lose: Revealing the Biggest Scam in America by Tom Graneau

Homeowner Help Two


Navigating the Mortgage Minefield: Your Complete Guide to Avoiding Costly Problems and Finding the Right Loan in Today’s Market by Richard Giannamore with Barbara Bordow Osach

Mortgage Confidental: What You Need to Know That Your Lender Won’t Tell You by David Reed

Mortgage 101: Quick Answers to Over 250 Critical Questions About Your Home Loan by David Reed

Visit our BE Rewarded site for you chance to WIN!

