Preview Our World: Is Today’s Social Activism a Movement, or Just a Moment? – Black Enterprise
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Preview Our World: Is Today’s Social Activism a Movement, or Just a Moment?

Our World's esteemed panelists, Marc Morial, Jamal Bryant, and Michael Eric Dyson

This week, on a special edition of Our World with Black Enterprise, we bring together a panel of leaders to discuss today’s seemingly resurrection of “the movement.” Host Marc Lamont Hill poses the question: Is it a Movement, or just a Moment? We talk to Marc Morial, President & CEO, National Urban League; Jamal Bryant, Pastor, Empowerment Temple; and Michael Eric Dyson, author and professor at Georgetown University. Among the many topics discussed during the roundtable are Trayvon Martin and Occupy Wall Street, which have both attracted national headlines. Tune in to Our World as we explore how and why now a growing number of Americans are banning together to fight social injustices.

Our World with Black Enterprise airs this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. on TV One and on local stations across the country.  Check your local listings and visit for additional time and station information.
