Entrepreneurs: Learn How to Raise (and Balance!) Money for Your Business – Black Enterprise

Entrepreneurs: Learn How to Raise (and Balance!) Money for Your Business

Askthemoneycoach.com founder and Black Enterprise Small Business University Instructor Lynnette Khalfani-Cox

Want to learn how to raise capital for your business? Are you in the red and trying to figure out how to bring your business back from the brink? Or maybe your business is growing exponentially and you need to make sure you properly manage the budget. Whatever your financial need for your business, the Black Enterprise Small Business University powered by Dell will give you a course-by-course lesson on how to get your money right and your business on-track.

Plus, when your register now at blackenterprise.com/sbu and take your courses, you’ll be entered for a chance to win more than $50,000 worth of various prizes, from one-one-one consultations with our small business experts to a small biz makeover courtesy of Dell and more!

Visit blackenterprise.com/sbu now for more details! And check this video below of Financing and Investing SBU course instructor Lynnette Khalfani Cox.
