International Women’s Day: How One Woman Found Career Fulfillment Abroad – Black Enterprise

International Women’s Day: How One Woman Found Career Fulfillment Abroad


Tricia-Noel Burke, a media planner, enjoys the diversity and career opportunities in Britain. (Image: Tricia-Noel Burke)

In honor of International Women’s Day, we start our three-part international careers series on, profiling professionals who found their passion and career fulfillment in the global landscape.

Tricia-Noel Burke took her love for writing and journalism straight to Britain, becoming an international media planner who works with publications including The Economist and The Wall Street Journal. Experiencing the London life, Burke says there’s never a dull moment. “It’s a fun and fast-paced environment,” Burke says. “News, brands and media tools are progressing every day across the globe. It’s an exciting place to be.”

Get a sense of a day-in-the-life for Burke in a place she says is full of cultural diversity, and learn some tips on how you can transition from U.S. employment to international opportunities. What led to your choice to move to pursue your professional goals?

Burke: I initially moved here to pursue an advanced degree in International Marketing & Comparative Global Studies. Subsequently, I landed a career and stayed in London.

What’s a typical day like for you, from the office to after work?

My work days are full and intense. There’s never a dull or idle moment, whether I’m coordinating global advertising activity or sitting in meetings with The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, and other publishers.

When I leave work in the evenings, I rarely go straight home because I’m catching up with friends and their lives over drinks and dinner. I usually commute home via bus, tube, [train] or by foot. Commuting via tube or bus has always been an expensive sacrifice to make but with the Olympics happening this year, prices have soared beyond belief.

I try to keep weekends quiet because weekdays are always in full motion. However, this is London, so there’s never really a quiet moment. This city is bustling with energy.

How is lodging and residential life in the UK?

I lived alone during my first year in the UK. Now, I live with three flatmates in a lovely loft in Dalston, East London. I’ve lived with people from various walks of life and cultural backgrounds. This has only confirmed my belief that the world is so very small and we’re all the same in many regards, irrespective of nationality, language or color.

Living alone in this city can be gratifying and peaceful. It can also become lonely and extremely expensive. The area I live in is the center of media enthusiasts, hipsters, artists, and designers. One can find corky pubs, indie bars and psychedelic clubs. The best part is the outdoor market, which every weekend is filled with vendors selling fresh fruits, vegetables and ethnic groceries from Africa, Turkey, India, and other countries.

What has been your experience, culturally, in London?

The best part about this city is the diversity. You can find people from every corner of the Earth in just this one city. They start their own businesses, so you can eat their national food. They build their own communities, so you can experience their customs. London is a hub that allows you to travel anywhere in Europe, Middle East, Africa or Asia for very affordable prices.

My friends are very international. As a young woman with a Trinidadian mother and Irish father, it’s very easy and satisfying when I can relate to other cultures.

For more on global job success, take a page from Burke’s book and learn how to make it seamless and fun with these tips.

Check us out tomorrow for the second part of our series on international career opportunities, where we talk a young entrepreneur about building her brand— and finding love — in Switzerland.
