WATCH: How to Advance Your Career – Black Enterprise
Career Women

WATCH: How to Advance Your Career

(Image: File)
(Image: File)

The executive leadership workshops at the Women of Power Summit are among the more popular seminars. If you take a look at this year’s photo galleries, it’s no different.

Both seasoned executives and workforce newbies flocked to Thursday morning’s panel, “The Anti-Social Executive,” which discussed ways women of power can progress in their careers. Moderated by Marsha Haygood, founder of StepWise Associates, LLC, the panel included Executive Director of Morgan Stanley Brooke Reid, Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Gale V. King, and President of Aetna Student Health Chekesha Kidd. Kidd, 35, offers entry-to-experienced workers a few pointers on effective communication.

“As Black executives, we often think that if we work hard and we do our job well that’s all we need to do. But, unfortunately, that’s not the case,” the young exec said to  “It’s all about managing those relationships, understanding people’s motivations and being able to work on your goals and your career path to fit with how you’re developing relationships going forward throughout your career.

Watch below as host Tai Beauchamp speaks with the Rising Stars 40 & Under cover subject about the importance of socializing effectively in the workplace.


(Videographer: Melissa Johnson)
