ME University: How to Brand Yourself and Your Business on Purpose – Black Enterprise

ME University: How to Brand Yourself and Your Business on Purpose

Marshawn Evans

Our mission at ME University is solely to help motivated dreamers—mostly women—build a purposeful and profitable brand platform. In this marketplace, strategic branding is about positioning yourself as an influencer.  So many people right now are hungry for more….more stability, more financial freedom and more fulfillment in being able to truly live out their life calling.

What most fail to realize is that branding is the most important skill needed in the marketplace today.  In a 2.0 world, it is critical that professionals and experts start branding in a way that attracts the opportunities, clients, partnerships, and income they desire.  Most people unwittingly take the traditional marketing “announcement” approach, which is so wrong and outdated now!  There is a much better way.

ME University specifically equips women ready to launch their dreams, build companies successfully, generate media publicity, land corporate contracts and sponsorships, become authors, speakers, and bonafide experts in their space.  We do this while also incorporating mind renewal and spiritual balance.  There is not another forum quite like it!

Our partnership with Black Enterprise has been central to our ability to connect with our ideal target audience. And we are honored that some of the largest corporations on the planet have joined our movement—companies like HP, Office Depot, Home Depot, Ernst & Young and Delta Air Lines.

Ultimately, ME University is a place where lives transform and dreams shift into a profitable reality. For more information about our signature branding bootcamp and our transformational and profitable branding programs, folks can visit us at
