Executive Presence: 6 Ways to Standout at Work – Black Enterprise

Executive Presence: 6 Ways to Standout at Work

  • What is it that enables some to get hired, get promoted, go faster and leap farther than the average person? Some call it the “it factor.”  I call it executive presence.
  • There is a special quality common amongst those who hold leadership positions.  It can’t be taught in school, but it can be developed and cultivated through personal awareness and emotional intelligence.
  • Possessing executive presence is important in a rigorous marketplace.  Standing out can give you the competitive edge, but only if you stand in the right way!
  • Those who standout are more likely to be considered for increased responsibility and placed in positions that require enhanced visibility.  This isn’t about beauty!  It is about brilliance balanced with likeability and boldness.
  • Being able to consistently standout in a manner that is authentic and showcases your inner-brilliance can mean the difference between getting hired or fired, promoted or demoted.  Those with a commanding presence are perceived to be more capable and competent.  When is comes to branding and positioning, perception is reality.  Your goal is to build the best perception possible, and then back it up with stellar on-the-job performance.
  • Here are six ways to enhance your career brand while positioning yourself to stand out at work.
