“I AM the 96%” Campaign Focuses on Legislation for Women Business Owners

At their nationally broadcasted 10th anniversary conference, the National Association For Moms In Business (NAMIB) announced a new campaign titled “I AM the 96%” that targets the 7.6 million Women-Owned micro-businesses in the United States to an estimated live audience of 400 moms in business.

A micro-business is a business with less than five employees (0-5). According to the National Women’s Business Council (NWBC), a non-partisan federal advisory council created to serve as an independent source of advice and policy recommendation to the president, Congress, and the U.S. Small Business Administration on economic issues of importance to women business owners, 96% of women-owned business have zero to five employees.

According to recent research from the NWBC, 8% of women business owners have 1-5 employees and 88% are self-employed. This business group has a total of $332 billion in annual receipts.

“Although micro-business is growing in

recognition due to the power and popularity of micro-lending, micro-business is often not considered in business legislation and women’s business initiatives sponsored by corporations,” said Gina Robison-Billups, founder of Moms In Business and member of the National Women’s Business Council.

“I’m very proud and appreciative of the research initiated by the NWBC to shine a light on the true landscape of women’s business ownership. For years, Moms In Business has recognized the

power of micro-business moms, yet, there is a tremendous amount of focus and dollars spent on the 4% in legislation and corporations resulting in irrelevant legislation and programs for women business owners.”

At the conference, the organization announced a “Micro-business Mom Revelation.” Gina Robison-Billups goes on to say, “Policy-makers have catered to soccer moms, mortgage moms, alpha moms, gamma moms, mom bloggers and facebook moms for votes, and in the next election cycle we’d like to see more discussion about the micro-business mom vote.”

The “I AM the 96%” campaign will be releasing videos from micro-business women from around the country about topics like technology, business growth, and balance. Moms can register to participate in the campaign at www.momsinbusiness.org/IAMthe96. Women without children are also asked to participate in order to add an important voice to the campaign and can join the campaign at www.microbusinesswomen.com/IAMthe96

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