8 Ways to Get Free Publicity For Your Small Business or Startup – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

8 Ways to Get Free Publicity For Your Small Business or Startup

6. Get others to promote for you. Find the time to do a lunchtime talk at a college or speak at events where the attendees will tweet quotes and post pictures that serve as press for you. Host events, sponsor competitions, or do whatever is relevant and helpful to your customer base so that people see you are trying to do something great for the community and will graciously advocate for you and your business.

Mona Patel, Motivate Design

 7. Perfect your pitch and targeting. Perfect a one-sentence pitch that will quickly let journalists, bloggers and entrepreneurs know about your startup first. You’ll save a lot of time down the road by effectively describing what you do differently. I also recommend being very selective about where and to whom you pitch. No matter your technique or platform, it always pays to prepare your message and choose recipients carefully.

Dave Nevogt, Hubstaff.com

 8. Do something worth writing about. There is always a need for content and people are scrambling to find something interesting to publish. Make their life easy and do something worth writing about, then tell them about it. Find a unique angle and share it. Tie into a broader theme that is popular. Stop thinking about your needs and think about theirs. The rest flows naturally.

Douglas Hutchings, Picasolar
