8 Times You Should Demand a Discount – Black Enterprise

8 Times You Should Demand a Discount

Red dice with white percent signs on them
(Source: ReferenceForBusiness)

Who hasn’t been upset over poor restaurant service or a non-functioning product? When you have a poor experience with anything, you have the right to speak your mind and ask for compensation of some kind. It’s the natural way to keep these places in check, so that bad service or poor quality products are not constantly being presented to other unsuspecting consumers. Always be polite and treat the people you’re dealing with respectfully, but if any of the following eight instances occur, ask for a discount.

Poor Service at a Restaurant
Let’s just clarify that the service should be uncharacteristically poor. If you wait a long time to get seated on a Friday evening, or your server is so busy he or she forgets to bring the extra sauce you ordered, give the place – and your server – a break. If the food arrives cold, the fish is undercooked, the meat is very tough, or the server is just plain rude, you definitely have a reason to speak with the manager. Explain what has happened, how it impacted your dining experience, and ask for a discount. In most cases, you will get at least a few of the items removed from your bill. In extreme cases, when the entire experience has left a sour aftertaste, you may not have to pay anything. Word of caution: Don’t polish off your plate then wait to complain with an expectation of compensation.

When Your Event Seats Aren’t Good
Unless you are warned specifically before you purchase your tickets that seats have “obscured view” or a “partial view of stage,” in which case they should already be discounted, there is no reason to pay the same price as other people for terrible seats. If you have poor seats, ask to speak to the event manager and firmly request a discount or ask to be moved if possible. Who knows, you may also be able to snag a free CD of the music from the evening.

When Nothing is as Described
From the food or service to a scenic view of the hotel dumpster, if you were sold something based on information that was more than slightly incorrect, you should demand a discount. If the tool set indicates “25 great tools for around the home” and there are actually only 23 inside, that’s misleading. This can sometimes happen when manufacturers change the product, but not the packaging. In any case where you have been a little misled, intentionally or not, you are entitled to a discount and chances are you’ll get one.

When the Product Is a Floor Model
Do not let the store clerk fool you with a bunch of gimmicky sales talk about additional discounting. Floor models are used, they may not have been used in someone’s home, but they’re used nonetheless. In some cases, for much longer than if it was in a home; especially those TVs and computers that are on the shop floor every day, all day. Ask a manager to reduce the price beyond what is shown on the sticker. In many cases, the store is eager to get rid of these items and it makes sense to sell it to someone who will pay sticker, but they will go lower.

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