8 Affordable Topcoats for Power Meetings in the Winter – Black Enterprise
Fashion & Beauty Lifestyle

8 Affordable Topcoats for Power Meetings in the Winter

Just because it’s the heart of winter doesn’t mean you have to forego fashion sense for warmth. The businessman’s response to the frigid days at the end and beginning of the calendar has been the topcoat. Stylish and classic, these outerwear garments should be a staple in any well-dressed gentleman’s wardrobe. For this edition of Suit Your Life, we highlight eight topcoats that’ll help you make a lasting first impression while keeping you nice a toasty. Just remember a topcoat is meant to be worn over layers, so when purchasing it’s best to try one on while wearing a blazer to make sure it will fit properly when worn over a suit. —Gardy V. Guerrier
