7Alternative Holiday Jobs

Are you a foodie? Ask a friend if you can cater their holiday party

Good tidings and cheer isn’t all that comes with the holiday season; a lot of us–whether out on break from school

or out of a job–see good opportunities to make a few extra bucks in an economy that’s still tough. But getting a job folding sweater at the Gap isn’t your only option (although there’s nothing wrong with that!) “I’ve always believed it is best to go left when everyone is going right,” says Roberta Matuson, job search mentor and president of Human Resource Solutions.

It’s expected that job seekers will flock to retailers for positions during the holidays since those are the businesses likely to the most have openings. But there are many jobs–jobs that can extend well past the holiday season–that are often overlooked. “Jobs on ski slopes across the globe last much longer than a holiday job in a retail store,” says Matuson, as one example. Also, “resorts hire a variety of people during the holiday season and beyond to help handle the peak in their occupancy rates,” she states.

Fresh air and an opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors while you work is a stark contrast from the madness of the malls this time of the year. But if you are an indoor type who doesn’t want to deal with the holiday rush of shoppers or vacationers, working from home may be the option for you to not only make extra money, but to save some, too. “I advise students to look for sites like mine that offer legitimate at home jobs so they don’t have to commute or use up the little funds they make by paying for transportation,” says Shilonda Davis, owner of Virtual Work Team. “I don’t think a lot of college students think of doing something that they are good at virtually.” Davis says other virtual opportunities include social media manager, virtual graphic designer, virtual bookkeeper, virtual clerical assistant and virtual transcriber, a position she says is currently open on her site’s “Job Board.”

Need more options? Here are some other positions to consider for earning extra cash!

House sitting

This time of year, people are traveling to be with family and friends. This is also peak season for burglars who are pulling double duty looking for signs of empty houses.  You can charge a fee for helping someone keep their home looking lived in when they are out of town.

Mystery Shopper

With increased business for retailers during the holiday shopping season, employers of chains will want to know how their employees measure-up in the area of customer service during the holidays. You can help these retailers find out if their employees measure up when the pressure is on.


If you consider yourself a foodie and you enjoy cooking for others, ask to cater a friend’s holiday party or event. This could be the start of a delicious career.

Gift Wrapping

To most people, presentation is important, and some people have a knack for wrapping gifts so perfectly that the recipient may feel as if the present is too pretty to even

open. Not everyone can do that.  And sometimes, folks just don’t have the time. Around the holidays you can find places, often in shopping mall, that do nothing but wrap gifts for customers. Stop by and see if they’re lookign for some extra help.

Picture Taking

People love getting personalized holiday cards made just as much as family and friends love receiving them.  As people tend to their Christmas card list, their making appointments to get pictures taken, whether it’s to show how the new baby has grown or the entire family. That means portrait studios need extra help the season.

Read more on finding the perfect gig.

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