8 Tips for Great Business Meeting Etiquette – Black Enterprise

8 Tips for Great Business Meeting Etiquette

(Image: Thinkstock)

When it comes to business meetings, exercising the best etiquette shows respect, dignity and professionalism and goes a long way for establishing relationships and closing deals. Some things may seem intuitive, but it’s always good to freshen up on skills that will make you a more marketable — and in-demand— professional.

Madame Noire lists eight tips for proper business etiquette to help you do just that. Be sure to take these with you to that next power lunch or seminar:

1. Be on time and prepared for every seminar

As a host, protocol and timeliness should be on your priority list. Schedule a time, place and list directions on the agenda, as your guests will depend on you to be responsible and accountable for setting up the engagement. Those who are unable to come, should RSVP.  Some of the mistakes professionals make include missing essential items which could have been used at the event, so keep track of all programmed materials and lectures in a briefcase or carry-on bag.

Read more at Madame Noire …
