7 Must-Haves For Women of Power Summit – Black Enterprise
Events Women

7 Must-Haves For Women of Power Summit

(Image: File)

As we gear up for the 2016 Women of Power Summit, BlackEnterprise.com wants nothing more than for you to be most prepared for what’s to come.

To that end, we’ve put together this trusty checklist for you to keep handy as you ready yourself for a weekend of networking and empowerment.

[Related: What Women of Power Attendees Are Saying About This Year]

  1. Business cards. With over 800 influential business women from across the country, including mid-to senior-level managers, “C-level” decision makers, HR officers, diversity officers, executives, and professionals, how dare you not offer a quick and easy way to contact you and all your fabulous. You are far too professional for scraps of paper. Have plenty of cards handy so that you may build your network. Trust us on this.
  2. Orange, pink and gold attire! Why is this necessary, you wonder? Well, mainly to compliment the tropical sunset that will serve as the backdrop for Wednesday night’s Un-Masquerade Sunset Soiree. Don’t forget to bring the “truth mask” you create at the Mask Mixer. It’ll all make sense when you get there.
  3. A positive attitude. If there is anywhere you want to make an awesome lasting impression, here would be that place. Come open, receptive and exuding the most positive energy in order to maximize your experience. You know what they say, you get what you give.
  4. Your personal elevator pitch. Again, there will be so many women to meet here–what will you say when you meet them? Perfect your pitch. Know exactly what you’d like to convey if given 15 seconds with the right person. Who are you? What can you provide? Why is that necessary? Ready. Set. Pitch.
  5. Comfy shoes. Just FYI, there will be walking. Maybe not tons, but some. Dress comfortably as to not limit yourself. But, hey, don’t you dare forget your red dress and your high heels, as performer Johnny Gill is not here for your Nikes.
  6. Your girls. You’d be remiss to experience this Summit alone. Your girls would love to be empowered and inspired right along with you. Do share.
  7. Your dreams and aspirations. Come knowing what you want to gain and/or take away from the summit. Know what you’re interested in learning, who you’d like to meet, and the connections you’re looking to make before you arrive. Focus and execute. Â

Once you pack all of that, you’ll be all set.

REGISTER NOW for the 2016 Black Enterprise Women of Power Summit, March 9-12, Hilton Diplomat Resort & Spa, Hollywood, Florida. For information on the Summit, including sessions, speakers and entertainers click here. Be sure to check back at BlackEnterprise.com as updates are announced.

Follow Black Enterprise on social media @BlackEnterprise for Women of Power news, highlights, and updates. Use hashtag #BEWPS to stay in the loop. Please be on the lookout at BlackEnterprise.com as speakers, activities, and sessions are announced.
