Tips for Landing an Internship Last Minute – Black Enterprise

Tips for Landing an Internship Last Minute

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Need help landing that last minute internship? Summer is almost here and this is the time when college students, both undergraduate and graduate, are looking to land employment opportunities that will potentially enhance their career options.

Money gives tips for the procrastinating internship seeker looking to get on the ball this May.

1. Ask the right questions.

Dan Kadlec writes, “We all want a life that’s more balanced between work and fun. But millennials, more than any other age group, are the unhappiest when they don’t get it. Nearly one-third of millennials say managing their work, family, and personal responsibilities has become more difficult in the past five years. And nearly half–47%–are working more hours, compared with 38% of Generation X and 28% of baby boom workers, according to a recent survey by Ernst & Young’s Global Generation Research.”

He recommends interns consider asking employers to outline internship objectives, allowing focal points for the semester.

2. Know where to look.

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