6 Tips to Launch a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign – Page 2 – Black Enterprise

6 Tips to Launch a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

(Image: File)

Shoot a Really Cool Video

Have a distinct call to action in your video; let people know why they should donate to your campaign! Create a storyboard that would resonate with the audience you’re targeting. Pull on the donor’s heartstrings and compel others to support your cause, product, business, etc. When shooting your video, have a professional take the video shots and handle editing to create clean video clips. Make sure to share the video on different networks like YouTube, Vimeo, etc. and link back to the campaign page.

Prepare to Hustle Every Day

Personal networks fund crowdfunding campaigns, but it takes a lot of work and dedication. Each member of your team will need to share the campaign daily with his or her personal and social media networks. Send out email blasts to all of your contacts with updates on milestones throughout the campaign. If they haven’t donated yet, this may encourage them to donate after seeing your campaign multiple times. Cool shareable graphics about the campaign are great for social media posts and encourage giving. If your budget permits, host a mixer or event (low cost of course) to either launch your campaign, or invite people out to donate and help spread the word.

Have Really Cool “Low Cost” or Donated Perks

The “perks” can get donors who don’t know you excited about funding your campaign.  Perks are items given to donors in exchange for their contribution. Make sure your perks are related to your campaign. For example, if you are raising money to help you launch a new type of cookware, the perks can include a set of cookware, a cookbook, etc. Try to sell whatever item you are raising money for if possible. Perks help drive donations, but make sure awarding the perks doesn’t cost more than the amount of money you are raising.

Send Out Thank You Messages

Send out thank you messages to every single contributor. People like to feel appreciated. Shout them out on social media and make them feel special for their contributions. Your network will see that other people have donated, and it may inspire them to contribute money. Check out a few of these successful campaigns to get a few ideas: Madame You (now Myavana), Monsieur, and C-Hill Business.

Author Chanel Martin (@ChanelEbone) is a co-founder and chief science officer of Techturized (@Techturized) Inc. She is also a wife, new mom, and lover of all things hair! She works full-time on her company Techturized. Techturized’s first product, Myavana (@Myavanahair) providing hair care personalization for female consumers around the world.

