Young Bosses: 6 Successful Brand Builders Who Got An Early Start – Page 3 – Black Enterprise

Young Bosses: 6 Successful Brand Builders Who Got An Early Start

  • “As a teenage mother with no higher education and very few resources to start a business, I had every reason to quit. Instead, I chose to lead a life of faith and leave a legacy that screams, ‘No excuses!” ~Sirena Moore
  • Sirena Moore, 29, Founder/CEO, Elohim Cleaning Contractors Inc.
  • The Bristol, Pennsylvania-based industrial and commercial construction site cleaning firm continues to generate revenue that’s a far cry from the $200 Moore, her father and younger brother pooled together back in 2002 to launch the business. But what Moore lacked in capital she made up for it in determination.
  • During the first three years of business, they added full-time employees to the payroll one at a time. “I worked during the day to make ends meet and my brother also kept a job,” recalls the 29-year-old. “I added myself last.” Among the top priorities of the company was to operate debt-free, which it managed to do successfully since inception until November 2009 when they secured their first line of credit. This feat worked in their favor during the economic recession. This past year the firm received its 8(a) certification which gives minority- and women-owned businesses competitive positioning in applying for federal contracts. Elohim Cleaning Contractors generated $2.7 million in 2009, and surpassed $3 million in 2010. The company looks to reach $10 million in revenue for 2011.
