6 Inspiring Commencement Speeches by Women – Black Enterprise
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6 Inspiring Commencement Speeches by Women

(Image: Youtube)

At the heart of an amazing commencement speech is the speaker’s ability to captivate an audience with an empowering message. A message that not only inspires new graduates to embrace their next chapter–the joys, opportunities, challenges and setbacks, but also includes the presenter’s life experiences that lead to successful life.

[Related: First Lady Obama to Travel to Japan and Cambodia to Promote Girls Education]

Given graduation season is right around the corner, the timing couldn’t better to reflect on some of the best commencement speeches by some of our leading ladies in Government, Film, Education and Entertainment.

First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama — 2011,Dillard University “On Writing Your Own Chapter

First Lady Michelle Obama challenged graduates to write their own chapter into the Dillard University legacy.

“This is your obligation,” Obama said. “I want you to keep reaching higher. I want you all to keep raising your bars, let the next generation know that there is no greater investment than a good education.”
