A Domestic Queen with International Sales

(Image: savorv.com)





This was life for V. Taybron four years ago as she was sitting in her cold apartment, without electricity. While reading by candlelight, Taybron received a life-changing idea and immediately called a friend to ask if she could use her kitchen.


$200 in Less Than an Hour


With permission and a spare key, she used all of her friend’s kitchen ingredients to bake scrumptious snickerdoodle cookies. Self-conscious and feeling like an overgrown Girl Scout but motivated by her efforts, she humbly went door-to-door selling her newly created desserts. She made $200 in less than one hour. With that $200, Taybron turned the lights back on at her house, went grocery shopping, and turned her kitchen into an enterprise.

Now, this domestic queen owns one of the fastest growing online bakeries to date.


(Image: savorv.com)


An E-Commerce Success Story


“At first I was just selling to anyone who would buy it. I remember being chased out of Lenox Mall for selling cupcake jars. I just ran as fast as I could and came back a few days later,” she says laughing. Today, customers place orders on the SavorV.com website and receive their decadent cupcake jars in a matter of days. All day long, they click and she ships amazing cupcakes all over the world from the United States, Japan, Afghanistan, and many other far-reaching destinations.


(Image: savorv.com)


“It’s amazing to wake up every day and see orders from people across all geographical locations, different races, and backgrounds. I feel like I unify people through my desserts.” Taybron is definitely living out loud. She’s the perfect example of taking a chance on yourself and winning.

You can hear Taybron’s in-depth story of her entrepreneurial journey on Episode 40 of the Create Your Life Series podcast. Keep up with V. Taybron on Facebook and Instagram @SavorV.


Kevin Y. Brown is an award-winning international motivational speaker, author, founder of www.debtfreecollegeacademy.com and host of the Create Your Life Series radio show/podcast.

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