5 Worst States for Black Americans – Black Enterprise

5 Worst States for Black Americans

(Image: Hack for Change)

The coming year for many may involve moving in search of new beginnings and better opportunities. When moving, you should research and consider social factors such as poverty and unemployment rates, mortality statistics and incarceration disparities, especially as they relate to black residents. There is an overall social and economic inequality of black Americans as compared to whites. According to 24/7 Wall St, “Black Americans make about 62 cents for every dollar earned by white Americans. Black Americans are also twice as likely to be unemployed and considerably more likely to live in poverty.” Certain states have an even wider gap than the national averages, and are less than ideal places to live for black residents. MSN.com summarized 24/7 Wall St’s findings of worst states for black Americans and identified the top five. Follow the next pages to see which states you may want to avoid.
