5 Ways Your Website Is Driving Away Customers

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While you may not necessarily realize how user-friendly or visually appealing some of your favorite websites are, you’ll recognize when you come across a bad one.  We’ve all seen them, the websites that take way too long to load, have a busy design and no shareability options, to name a few common website mistakes.

As an entrepreneur or business owner, you may have an attachment to your original site design, but it could be costing you each time a user visits your site. Don’t lose by the click, change your digital model to keep

your loyal and potential customers on your website. Here, Forbes outlines the most common website mistakes that drive your customers away:

Focus on the product, not a flashy design

It makes sense to have a visually inviting website design, but know that a busy layout will do more harm than good. For starters, will customers remember why they came to your site in the first place?

It’s important that your clients know what your service and product is all about.

On-page overload

Convey all the reasons why someone should try your product in a concise manner.

“If you have more than three major pieces of information or options on a page, you’re likely overdoing it,” said Nathalie Lussier

in a Young Entrepreneurs Conference (YEC) article. “When it comes to designing effective websites, keeping the visual options to a minimum always results in better conversions.”

Read more at Forbes…


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